The photograph that I've uploaded here is an example of my shoddy picture taking skills! I guess all that caffeine that I consume daily adds up to a real unsteady hand and blurred vision. Anyhow, it was meant to be of an acrylic painting that I did for Dana Martin's (of Dana Martin Writing from previous post) graduating daughter. I tried to include all her faves on an 11 by 14.5 inch illustration board. I didn't get to scan it in on time so I had to sew a series of really unclear photos together using Photoshop. If anyone has any better methods for getting good archival pictures of large art...by all means, I'm all ears.

The other illustration is for a business card that I whipped up for an ole' friend of mine who is now starting up her own photography business. She's the sweetest so please be sure and visit
Kimberley Lynn PhotoGRAPHY for giveaways and other fun stuff!
xoxo With Love.